Strategies for Population Analysis 1

Illustration of market research and statistics
Geography can mean anything regarding people, places, spaces, nature, time and their interactions. Human geography is the study of human populations within a spacial, cultural, economic, political, military and landscape setting. Learn geography online through the study of population analysis.

The problem of “Changing Population Geography of “X” from Time Y to Z” must be defined. X as given is defined as place. The problem with the idea of ‘place’ is that of certainty. The only sure place is that of a single point. The idea in the study is to compare the changes of population of a place within a place within a place (which will be defined on the next blog) The problem can be illustrated by the following question. Do we define the largest entity as also including the smaller places within it? The boundaries of these places can either be defined as those sets of the population who only have residence in a particular place or who live and also work or go the school in a particular place.

We now must deal with the problem of how we define a set of a population. Should a set of a population be defined as some characteristic of individuals that is changeable, unchangeable or both. By changeable, it is meant that an individual from a given ‘set’ of a population has a definite entrance and exit time within that individual’s lifetime An unchangeable characteristic is one that cannot or is rarely changed through an individual’s lifetime. Once we chose an acceptable standard to define characteristics of a population we must choose particular examples that meet our definition. A further difficulty that arises relates to the arbitrary selection of the time Y to Z. If one wishes to study population changes within this time frame, is it adequate to study this time only? Would a study of the immediate past regarding changes in population be helpful in researching and perhaps determining why these particular changes came about the way they did?

What sources of information should be drawn upon for researching the changing population of a given time period? Government documents might suffice for one wanting to know what characteristics or rather population sets changed over a set period of time. However these would not be sufficient to answer the question of why these particular population sets changed in the way they did.